Weeb Services

The Online Fish Store

The Online Fish Store

WEEB’s vision is to promote Production, Sale, and  distribution of quality at affordable prices to all Ugandans and the region via Online and Physical Means. WEEB is currently enriching its online shop to facilitate the ordering process for all the customers and fish consumers.

Fingerlings Production

Fingerlings Production

Advocacy for Improved production of quality Tilapia,

WEEB advocates and will continue to do so to continually Improve the production of quality Tilapia  Fingerling for better aquaculture development.

If tilapia farming is made efficient, it can be started to earn money in a short time. Tilapia farms can make tilapia production 3 times a year.

Commercial Fish Feeds

Commercial Fish Feeds

Advocacy for development, production and acquisition of quality commercial fish feeds.

When fish are reared in ponds, cages, or any other aquaculture production system, they all require a feed assortment that is adapted to the various systems to ensure good growth and healthy fish. Feed assortments not only take into account healthy growth, but also water quality and other parameters which have direct effects on production performance. Natural feed in ponds, buffering capacity in cages,



Marketing of aquaculture products.

Smallholder fish farmers have limited access to local and regional markets, this reduces their ability to sell their produce. It also limits smallholder incomes and food security in general.

Lobby & Advocacy

Lobby & Advocacy

Policy and regulatory bottlenecks hinder the development of aquaculture by smallholder fish farmers and discourage investment by other value chain actors. One of the key functions of the Association is to ensure that the policies and legislations put in place favour the development of the fish farming industry in Uganda. There is still a lot that needs to be done to create a better enabling environment for for fish farming in Uganda. WEEB together with other stakeholders within the fish value chain will work together to formulate and implement policy where it is non-existent.