COVID Epidamic

Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)


COVID-19 is the most significant global healthcare crisis in a century. While the speed and scale of the pandemic, and the response to it, has been remarkable, the impacts and changes caused will be profound and long-lasting.


Healthcare systems around the world have borne the full brunt of COVID-19. The pandemic has upended normal operations, backlogging an estimated 28 million procedures globally1, exposed system and supply chain limitations, tested the physical and mental limits of health workers and caused rapid adoption of digital solutions. Despite these extraordinary challenges, there are also opportunities to drive positive change through these difficult times.


Until a vaccine is found health systems will need new ways of working to respond to these pressures as they move from crisis reaction through resilience, recovery and into the post-pandemic new reality. COVID-19 has also the potential to accelerate existing transformational changes that were already under way in more mature healthcare organizations, and move us towards the new reality for healthcare at a much faster pace than previously anticipated.

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